I have received several queries regarding the "Med Bag" since some fraternities and sororities are already selling some merchandise. Of course, buying from them is no hassle but if you want to get the prices cheaper, then grab your friends and go to Bambang.
Most med bags look like this, so I suggest you use a keychain to make your med bag look unique. It is not mandatory to get this kind of bag, as long as it has a wide mouth then I see no problem in that.
1. Alcohol
During practicals, they leave a big bottle of alcohol on the side table. Always remember to use it before and after every station.
2. Cotton
Use it to clean your instruments or to test for soft touch during the neurological exam (Trigeminal nerve)
3. Snellen's chart
This is used to test for visual acuity. Use the normal Snellen's chart that looks like this. During the practicals, they will ask you to interpret your results, too. Remember that the numerator is the number of meters a normal person can read while the denominator is the meters the patient can read. Oh, don't forget to test one eye at a time, ask your patient to cover one eye when testing the other.
4. Sphygmomanometer
This is a new purchase for me. I used to use a sphygmomanometer with a big cuff which caused me to get a zero in one of my stations since my patient was stick thin. Remember if your cuff is too big, you will underestimate the blood pressure. If its too small, you will overestimate the blood pressure. It is ideal to use a cuff that is 40% of your patient's arm's width and 80% of your patient's arm's circumference. Apply the cuff a few cms above the cubital area and tighten the cuff with two fingers inside.
5. Stethoscope
I recommend Littmann- the professors prefer this too. I've seen some professors belittle some students because they used a less branded steth. Mean, I know. Get your Steth engraved too to avoid loses. I got mine engraved in Rustan's Makati, relatively cheap, less than P200 for my whole name.
6. Tounge depressor
We almost never used this. Buy a box of sterile tounge depressors and share among your group.
7. 2 short rulers
If possible, cut the edge of your rulers down to the zero mark. You will be using this to get the patient's jugular pressure.
8. Tuning fork
You'll be using this to do the Rinne and Weber's test to test for hearing. I suggest you use the one below since its easier to use. The one above is hard to use that I literally had bruises just trying to make it work.
9. Thermometer
They are not too strict when it comes to the thermometer. I guess it would be good if you have an ear thermometer as it is faster to yield some results. All practicals are timed.
10. Pen light
I use an Allen and Irving- really good quality but there is really no need for it. Most of my classmates just make use of their ballpens with light (you know the ones you buy in Divisoria or the banketa)
11. Reflex hammer
Try practicing your reflexes with your partners as it is sometimes hard to elicit.
12. Tape
They also provide this during the practicals.
**the pulse oximeter, otoscope, and opthalmoscope are not needed individually during the second year. At least one per group will suffice.
Goodluck Sophomores!